F Raymond Chandler evening - Carlos Sánchez Viamonte

Raymond Chandler evening

Padre de la novela negra y de uno de sus detectives más famosos, Philip Marlowe, Robyn Hitchcock evoca a Raymond Chandler en uno de sus temas más recordados junto a The Egyptians.

It's a Raymond Chandler Evening,
At the end of someone's day,
And I'm standing in my pocket,
And I'm slowly turning grey.
I remember what I told you,
But I can't remember why,
And the yellow leaves are falling
In a spiral from the sky.
There's a body on the railings
That I can't identify,
And I'd like to reassure you, but
I'm not that kind of guy.
It's a Raymond Chandler Evening,
And the pavements are all wet,
And I'm lurking in the shadows
'Cause it hasn't happened yet.

El tema pertenece al álbum Element of light, de 1986

Encontrá a los libros de Raymond Chandler en nuestro catálogo.


Horarios de atención al público

Lunes a viernes de 16 a 20 hs.

Centro Cultural y Biblioteca Popular

Carlos Sánchez Viamonte

Austria 2154

(1425) Ciudad de Buenos Aires

Donación de libros

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